Kerala Administrative Service Model Questions
November 21, 2019 2:47 pm
The Administrative service employees plan, direct, and coordinate supportive services of an organization.
English Grammar Questions and Answers
1. Five years__ a long time to wait
Answer: is
2. ___horse is a noble animal
Answer: the
3. Find out the wrongly spelt word
Answer: Dormitary
4. _____ is a synonym of ‘hostile’
a. Disobedient b. Unhappiness c. Credible d. Unfriendly
Answer: Unfriendly
5. Nothing ______ disturbs his sleep
a. ever b. sometimes c. everytime d. Never
Answer: ever
6. The opposite of extravagance is:
Answer: miserliness
7. Drivers must conform _______ traffic rules to avoid accidents.
Answer: to
8. I sent the books————–post
Answer: By
9. He——–in a bank(Use simple present tense)
Answer: Works
10.Time and Tide———–for no man
Answer: Waits
11. The man jumped _____ the pond
Answer: into
12. I have never met Osama Bin Laden ____ do I want to
Answer: nor
13. I cannot ……….What saying.
Answer: make out
14. Neither the boy nor his brothers ________happy.
Answer: are
15. If had my breakfast, _________.
Answer: I would not be tired
16. Choose the exact opposite of the underlined. EMIGRATE
Answer: Immigrate
17. She…… her old father with patience
Answer: looked after
18. The President was specially happy to visit the school because it was his —-
Answer: all matter
19. The Speaker drew the attention of the audience —– the burning issues
Answer: to
20. Don’t go out ___ you’ve finished your work.
a. as b. While c. Until d. None of the above
Answer: until
21. He is _____ government employee.
Answer: a
22. I ______ him lately.
a. have not seen b. have not seen c. will not see d. did not see
Answer: have not seen
23. The sceintific study of “interpretation” is :
Answer: Semantics
24. “Arts college” is a/an _________ word .
Answer: compund
25. Statutory means
Answer: fixed or controlled by law
26. ‘Ipso jure’ means:
Answer: By the law
27. Rajiv Gandhi _____ Indira Gandhi as Prime Minister.
Answer: succeeded
28. Woman who trained to help other women in child birth:
Answer: Midwife
29. ……………he was ill,he attended the meeting.
Answer: Though
31. If they really tried ,they ————-the prize
Answer: Could win